Help your music therapy clients gain skills to:  

  • Get through Difficult Times
  • Regulate Emotions 
  • Control Impulsive Behaviors
  •  Communicate Effectively

And feel consistent progress in applying skills to their daily struggles.

Join: DBT Essentials Toolkit for Music Therapists!

Enhance Your Skills and Expand Your Impact in Ways You Only Dreamed Possible!

Join us for the

DBT Essentials Toolkit for Music Therapists

23 CMTEs

Gain new tools to support your clients, (and yourself), and move your practice forward.

Embark on a transformative study that combines the power of music therapy with the evidence-based principles of DBT. Gain a solid foundation of practical life skills and music therapy interventions, allowing you to make an even greater difference in your music therapy practice.

  • DBT Basics: Learn about the core principles of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, including its emphasis on mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

  • Music Therapy Applications: Explore ways music therapy can be used to implement DBT skills to address emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social needs through music therapy interventions.
  • Combining Techniques: Understand how to incorporate DBT strategies within music therapy sessions to enhance therapeutic outcomes.

  • Uplevel your music therapy services-Get started practicing DBT in your music therapy practice right away and make a bigger impact on your clients.

  •  Investment in Your Future: Every dollar invested in this training will be credited towards the full comprehensive DBT Informed Music Therapy Training Program if you later choose to pursue the credential of DBT Informed Music Therapist.

“I indeed learned common language to use so that I am better able to communicate with other therapists who are working with the same clients.” Dianna Gross MT-BC

— Jake, Bow Wow Dog Walking 

What's Included in the program:

 DBT Essentials Toolkit for Music Therapists

The DBT Essentials for Music Therapists Program is an excellent opportunity for music therapists who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field.

It offers a wealth of material, resources, and learning opportunities that are all included in the program for a fraction of the cost of what they would be individually.

Class #1- DBT: Practical Life Skills Reinforced through Music Therapy

In this first class you'll learn DBT skills from all four modules of DBT, along with music therapy interventions for each module.

As you start to use these skills in your own life, you’ll be able to be a role model for those around you.  

 You’ll  grow your therapy toolkit to be able to further support your clients with whatever comes up for them. And you'll learn the language of DBT, allowing you to communicate with other disciplines and be seen as a competent member of the team.

This class will give you lots of interventions, both in the class recordings and in the private forum, that you can incorporate into your practice.  You get lifetime access to this class.

What People are Saying

about DBT: Practical Life Skills Reinforced through Music Therapy

“In my hospital setting, I consistently find opportunities to utilize DBT skills to assist in emotion regulation and distress tolerance for patients as is covered with specific details and ideas in this course. Mindfulness practices and interpersonal effectiveness skills are inherent in our own daily lives both personally and professionally. I was able to share course content with colleagues at the hospital to connect with team goals in the recent trending Trauma Informed Care philosophy for medical settings.”

Denise Lee MT-BC

"I work in a facility where DBT is the form of therapy used for all patients. I found myself wanting to learn more about DBT and how I can help my patients better understand how they can use DBT.  I can use my deeper knowledge of DBT to make sure each music therapy intervention I present to my patients will reinforce their DBT skills. I appreciate the clearness with which the material was presented and the self-paced option. "

Katherine E. Noel MT-BC

I have an even bigger toolkit now, and more importantly I know know how to talk about the skills, and translate them into what we are doing within our music therapy interventions. I think I will sound more confident and be more on board with the entire treatment team. The course content was great- really good information.

Elizabeth La Combe MT-BC

Join Now!

Class #2- Mindfulness and Music in Clinical Practice

  • Create self awareness and manage symptoms with techniques you'll learn in this self-study webinar.
  • 8 CMTEs

PLUS - To give you a broader foundation, we have packaged these classes with the following bonuses:

Bonus number 1-

A done for you full six-week program template using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) mindfulness skills with music therapy interventions that you can implement now!

5 CMTE credits Value $125- Included!


  • Learn the seven main DBT mindfulness skills (Wise Mind, WHAT skills, and HOW skills),
  • Get examples of a treatment plan
  • Receive about 25 music interventions for each skill with potential adaptations
  • A non-musical assessment and evaluation tool will be provided with the program for you to implement at your own discretion. I

Why DBT mindfulness?

There are several benefits to incorporating Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) mindfulness skills into music therapy interventions for both music therapists and their clients. Here are a few:

  • Enhanced self-awareness: DBT mindfulness skills can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, impulses and behaviors. Through self awareness clients can make wiser choices- acting rather than reacting.
  • Improved emotion regulation: DBT mindfulness skills help individuals regulate their emotions by teaching them to observe and describe their thoughts and feelings without judgment.  By learning DBT mindfulness skills, music therapists and their clients can work together to better understand and regulate emotions in the therapeutic context.
  • Increased attention and focus: Mindfulness practices are known to improve attention and focus. By incorporating DBT mindfulness skills into music therapy interventions, music therapists can help clients improve their ability to focus and stay present in the moment.

Overall, incorporating DBT mindfulness skills into music therapy interventions can be highly beneficial for both music therapists and their clients. By working together to teach and strengthen these skills, music therapists can help their clients improve their emotional regulation, attention and focus, self-awareness, and coping skills.

Mindfulness is at the core of all of the other modules of DBT skills, so mastering this module will give you a great foundation.

Bonus number 2 -

DBT Music Therapy Resource Hub

Value $160- Included!

You get 2 months of access to our member's only DBT Music Therapy Resource Hub. This is a library of ready-made resources that will save you time with session planning!

It's also the place to deepen your understanding of each DBT skill while reading and studying the DBT Skills manual.

You’ll find that the paced reading assignments, paired with examples and videos of DBT informed music therapy sessions that correspond to the skills discussed in the manual,  will take your understanding way further than just reading the book on your own.t in this area

Bonus number 3 -

Consultation Group Meetings

Value over $150 - Included!

Get your questions answered by a DBT expert on our team, connect with the community, and come away with amazing experiences of professional supervision and personal growth.

You get to attend 2 of our monthly zoom DBT informed MT consultation groups with other DBT informed music therapists, and others who are studying like you are.

Bonus number 4-

2 Tickets to a Virtual Retreat to hear from other DBT informed MTs about how they are using DBT with a variety of populations.

Value $197- yours FREE!

2 tickets to our virtual retreat, for you and a friend. You'll  hear presentations from other DBT informed music therapists that are full of new ideas and strategies for implementing DBT with music therapy for a variety of populations.

This is your chance to hear from experts and to meet each other in a live virtual community event.t

In Summary, You Get:

  • DBT Practical Life Skills Reinforced Through Music Therapy (10 CMTEs)- self study course giving you a great foundation (Valued at $250)
  • Mindfulness and Music in Clinical Practice (8 CMTEs)- Learn techniques to create self awareness and manage symptoms (Valued at $200)
  • Merging DBT Mindfulness and Music: Template for A Transformative Six-Week Program (5 CMTEs)-many interventions and session ideas (Valued at $125)
  • DBT Music Therapy Resource Hub full of interventions and session plans for each DBT skill -2 month access (Valued at $100)
  • 2 DBT Music Therapy Consultation Group zoom meetings where your questions can be answered and you'll be part of the community of DBT informed MTs (Valued at $150)
  • 2 Tickets to our Virtual Retreat where you'll learn how MTs are using DBT with various populations (Valued at $197)
  • Earn 23 CMTEs

Total Value is over $1000

Have skills when you need them the most.

For only $497!

* And one final bonus:

If you decide to apply to the full advanced training as a next step after this, everything you invested in this DBT Essentials for Music Therapists program will be credited towards the tuition for our most advanced training!

Not sure what I'm talking about? We offer a yearlong 100 CMTE specialty training for a cohort of 10 people, where we take a deep dive into an in-depth DBT study with music therapy applications and supervision. Those who complete the advanced DBT Informed Music Therapy Training then qualify for a certificate with an endorsement as a DBT informed Music Therapist. We only take 10 people max per cohort in the advanced training.

Meanwhile, DBT Essentials for Music Therapists is a fantastic way to get started practicing DBT in your music therapy practice right away, to uplevel your music therapy services, and make a bigger impact on your clients. 

You can't lose!