DBT Skills Mastery through Music!

Take the next step in your personal and professional development.

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Proven Strategies to Support your Patients/Clients with:

  • Emotion management
  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • Getting through difficult times
  • Enhanced relationships
  • Impulse control
  • Building a brighter future


Done-for-you Music Therapy Session Plans and Interventions Specifically Designed for each DBT Skill

  • Grow your therapy toolkit
  • Deepen your understanding and personal experience with the DBT skills so you can be a role model for those around you
  • Be able to reinforce DBT's practical life-enhancing skills in the areas of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness through music therapy.



  • Be a part of this community of like minded music therapists who are also using DBT in music therapy!
  • Mastermind with professional peers regarding your personal use of DBT skills, understanding of skills, and use of the DBT skills in your practice. 
  •  Consultation group deepens the use of skills through sharing of ideas, applications, successes and challenges.  Delve into skills you want to know more about and have tidbits to share.

PLUS…Earn 21 CMTEs!

The following video has excerpts of the materials you'll get for the mindfulness skills.

How the DBT in Music Therapy Resource Hub Works



 Get readymade music therapy interventions & session plans specially designed for each skill  to inspire your own creativity, save you time, and  further your understanding of each DBT skill.  


Instantly Useable

 Clear & concise videos demonstrate songs, activities, and how to apply them to the skills.  Download and print instructions, handouts, etc.


Make a Difference

 Integrate DBT’s practical life changing skills into your practice and your life. Watch clients learn to make wise choices as they implement the skills into their lives.

What you're going to find on the inside:

52 weeks of resources for deepening your knowledge of each DBT skill and implementing them into your music therapy practice!

  • Looking for out of the box ideas? You get original music therapy based materials and experiences designed specially for strengthening each DBT skill .
  • Want resources created by music therapists for music therapists? Designed by qualified DBT informed board certified music therapists 
  • Hard to find time to study and create new interventions? One DBT skill will be released at a time, so you have time to study it and apply it in your practice
  • Do you learn best from watching a video, listening to a recording, or reading a handout? All learning styles are considered.
  • Short on time? Recordings and materials are short enough to easily fit your schedule  
  • Want something easy to implement? We show you how to facilitate each intervention so it’s easy to use as is, or can trigger your own variations

A community of music therapists like you!

  • Feeling isolated in your field? You'll love being a part of our community of music therapists using DBT in their practice!
  • Want your questions answered and help brainstorming solutions? Come to our monthly consultation team meetings and grow personally and professionally

To earn CMTE Credits:

If you seek credits for your participation, here are the requirements:


  • One new skill will be released at a time for study and implementation - in a self-study format. 
  • Read about that skill in the manual.
  • Post at least once a month describing how you implemented the skills of the month.  (1 hour/month minimum to earn credits)
  • An hour long consultation group will occur monthly. Attend at least 6 hours of the consultation group to earn credits.  Consultation group meets on the last Monday of each month at 8 Eastern, 7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific. 

Total time 18 clock hours during the 12 month membership to earn 21 CMTE credits.

Learning Objectives:

  • Study DBT skills and apply one new DBT skill related idea per month to your practice as evidenced by written post describing what you did and how it supported your client(s) 
  •  Apply at least one DBT skill to your personal  life monthly as evidenced by posting or sharing in the monthly consultation group meeting.
  • Create at least one new music therapy intervention for each of the DBT skills modules and share it in the forum

CBMT Domain Areas:

IID: Treatment Planning: 
IIIA.2 Implementation- Provide individualized music therapy experiences to address client’s…(b,c,e,g,h,i,j,k,l,o,p,q,r,s,u,w,x,y,ztt,ddd,)
IIIA.3 Recognize how DBT theoretical framework inform music therapy practice: (a,c)
IIIA.4. Utilize music therapy approaches to inform clinical practice (a,)
IIIA.5 to achieve therapeutic goals: (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,i,j, k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,aa,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh)

Required Reading:

Read the DBT Skills Training Manual as we release materials to study/review skills.

Suggested Resource

This book is a valuable resource book to have on hand and will supplement the membership experiences.


We are a group of Board Certified Music Therapists who have completed Behavioral Tech’s DBT Skills Training Program, as well as an in-depth year long DBT informed Music Therapy program that includes 11 months of clinical supervision from a DBT-Linehan Board of Certification Certified PsyD clinician.  We all have experience facilitating DBT informed music therapy groups, and are often found co-leading groups with psychologists, social workers, and other DBT skills group leaders.

Deborah Spiegel MT-BC

Bailey Hinz MA, MT-BC

Stehpen King MT-BC

Alice Browne MT-BC

DBT Skills Mastery through Music Music : The DBT in Music Therapy Resource Hub, is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 21 CMTEs- Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. The Spiegel Academy, CBMT Approved Provider #P-106,  maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

What Members are Saying

"I just want to take a minute and give a shout-out to Deborah and the team! Since starting this journey I feel I have found a home and reignited a spark that I didn't know was out!! Everyone involved has put so much time and effort into making this a meaningful experience and it shows! Thank you so much to Deborah, Suzanne, Bailey, Alice, Stephen and Lauren your dedication has made an impact on this Music Therapist and person. I can't wait to see where this takes me!"

- Hillary Cartner- Ambrose MT-BC

“I joined this membership to learn the language of DBT. I like the fact that I can learn at my own pace. Some weeks I have more time than others so it’s a good balance. I have become more aware of glitches in my own life by learning many DBT concepts. It allows me to continue to grow and treat each experience as unique and inspiring - I hope to bring this to my clients as well!  I feel that I’m getting everything out of the program that I expected- and more.  I feel that there are many ways to reach out, ask questions, and utilize the resources provided. "

- Nola Karim, MT-BC

“ Since signing up for this membership I've found it beneficial both personally as well as for my professional career. I'm a music therapist working in a VA program, where they have a nationwide push for whole health skills, which includes mindfulness. Heaven knows my year has been crazy, and because the way everything is presented resonates with me it's really helped me. This works and makes so much sense. I can do this. It helps me be a better person which will in turn help my clients.  I like that there is no time limit in processing the information and that they give us time to take it in and time to apply it.” 

Ruth Hook- , MT-BC

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